
Best Moustaches in Baseball

The Best Moustaches in Baseball.

Without question, Rollie Fingers was the hands down favourite - even the results from the online poll here at The Blue Jay Hunter mirror the same thoughts, with a current landslide lead with 41 percent of all votes.

But just in case you want to sport a ‘stache just like Fingers, check out this article that breaks down how he achieves his infamous moustache. Apparently it involves something called “moustache wax”, which I never even knew existed. Maybe that would make a great holiday gift for the furry friend on your list.

Rollie Fingers’ moustache itself should be entered into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Give credit to a guy who wears his moustache proud at the age of 62. I'd like to see Tom Selleck try that.

Oh wait ... Sellick is 63. Nevermind.

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